Saturday, January 10, 2009

"I love my Daddy a million hundred thousand roads connected" - Caden

I cannot get over the heart of our little fellow. Steven has come home sick two days this week - and hurt his hand last night. When Steven yelled out in pain, Caden jumped to action. He brought Steven to the sink and proceeded to clean his hand saying, "Now this is going to hurt, but it will make it better." He went and found Band-Aids and dried Steven's hair with a towel and curled it with his fingers. (Steven had been in the bathtub.) I did not know any of this was going on until Caden came to me asking for our favorite blanket so Daddy could cuddle up on the couch.

Caden loves his Daddy so very, very much. Check out this picture of him with his sick Daddy. He was even trying to cock his head in the same way as Steven. My sweet, sweet boys.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet boy with SUCH a big heart. It's no secret where he got that.
