Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"It's a beautiful day. Let's run and play and punch." - Caden

One of my favorite times of the day is the first thing in the morning. These days I often wake up on the couch, so Joanna is already right next to me, sometimes awake and sometimes still snoozing. The day officially begins when Caden wakes and walks in - often with Lucky in hand - and climbs up on the couch with me. We snuggle up on the couch under the covers - sometimes for just a minute, sometimes longer. He can never wait for me to pull Joanna up on the couch with us. I'm often barely awake - just so so tired - but I LOVE this time. My babies are so snugly and cuddly in the morning. And so very, very happy. They love each other SO very much. Their faces just light up when they see each other.
This morning Caden kept singing, "It's a beautiful day, let's run and play. It's a beautiful day, let's run and play" over and over - a take on the popular U2 song. But then he added another version, "It's a beautiful day. Let's run and play and punch. It's a beautiful day. Let's run and play and punch." He's definitely my boy boy, but he's thoughtful enough to "play punch" with baby. So funny. Then he adds, "When will baby be able to run?" He just can't wait to play together with Joanna - my little angels, built-in friends.

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